Colloidal Silver: Immune System Boosting Supplement

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- Want Silver Handwash? Click Here!
Colloidal Silver for Health
There currently are no vaccines, pills, potions, lotions, lozenges or other prescriptions or over-the-counter products available to treat or cure coronavirus disease 2019. However, we can take precautions for our own well-being. We should maintain our immune system health, exercise, and eat nutritious food. We also need to give our body plenty of rest and sleep when needed. Thus, we suggest listening to your body and acting accordingly.
Colloidal Silver is silver that is available in very small, suspended particles in water. One of the elements of the earth, people are looking to past traditional uses for help with today’s challenges. Cultures have placed silver dollars in liquids, which helped keep liquids fresh longer. NASA, in the Space Shuttle program, opted for a water filtration system with silver as one of the components. There is a well-known, silver-containing ointment used on burn patients to treat infections because of its biocidal properties. Even today, there is a popular floor covering company that puts silver in their protective coating for their vinyl as a way of creating an antibacterial surface for kitchens and bathrooms, and you can buy clothing such as gym socks with silver in them to prevent odor from bacteria.
Buy Colloidal Silver
Trust a company with 30+ years of experience when buying your silver water, not online businesses who crop up overnight! All Life Force International products are manufactured following Good Manufacturing Processes (GMPs) in compliance with the US Food and Drug Administration’s cGMPs Regulations. Life Force International even takes this a step further with additional third-party verification. The size of the particles is also very important. Life Force International provides 99.99% pure .001 microns of silver at ten parts per million (10 ppm) in a suspended colloidal form in de-ionized water, using an electro-colloidal process. These silver ions disable the enzymes that certain microorganisms may rely on for respiration, and this helps support a healthy microorganic environment in the human body*.
Don’t be fooled by those large bottles of colloidal silver that sell for a crazy low price–you get what you pay for in quality and amount of silver, with no guarantees to effectiveness or content. Or how about the well-known colloidal silver brands who say they have certain special characteristics and imply no one else does? Life Force International Colloidal Silver matches any product saying it’s the ideal AND at a better price. It’s the best kept, least expensive colloidal silver secret on the Internet! This product is known as “Silver 6x/Argent 6x” in Canada.
This product comes in an easy-to-dispense dropper bottle.
Ready to replace your alcohol-based hand sanitzers with safe Colloidal Silver spray? Click here!View the technical data sheets for Colloidal Silver and Silver 6x/Argent 6x, including medical references and ingredients.
Silver (as colloidal silver), purified water.
- What does Colloidal Silver taste like?
- Pure water. There is no metallic taste to the liquid at all.
- How long will the bottle last?
- This particular Life Force product has a shelf life of 2 years, with the expiration date listed on the bar code on the side of the bottle. Ours do not make it that long in our house!
- How do I measure the Colloidal Silver for use?
- The bottle comes with its own dropper attached to the lid, and one squeeze of the bulb will fill the dropper shaft with about 1 mL of product. If you live in the United States, 5 mL equals one teaspoon.
- What is a suggested internal serving?
- The bottle labeling recommends 4 full droppers, as necessary.
- Why are your answers so abrupt in this section, unlike the rest of the site’s product FAQs that have a “warm” feel to them?
- Thanks for the compliment. Because of the controversy that surrounds the use of colloidal silver in some circles, we wish to remain as factual as possible in this section. At no time do we wish to equate colloidal silver with drugs. This product is a liquid silver supplement, suspended in colloidal form.
- What about that blue man?
- Colloidal Silver gained national attention many years back when a man named Paul Karason talked about how he took homemade colloidal silver everyday, and while it had turned his skin blue (a condition called argyria), he never got sick. Here is the one thing you need to know: most people with argyria 1) drink homemade colloidal silver, and 2) the solution contains silver in excess of 300 parts per million (ppm) and are large microns in size, and 3) they take it 3-4 times per day, meaning they consume 900-1200 ppm of silver every day. Life Force International’s Colloidal Silver is 0.01 microns in size in an ideal 10 ppm.
Do you have a question about this product? Contact us here.
How Do You Use Colloidal Silver
Colloidal silver can instigate quite a debate, and people need to make their own decisions about this elemental water that is not a medicine. In our house, I don’t fail to make sure we are well-stocked. Pink eye*? Ear infection*? Sinus congestion*? Sinus infection*? Mouth injury*? The first hint of a cold*? All the kids will tell you, I come to them with the Life Force Colloidal Silver bottle in hand. And now, Life Force has made it even easier to stay healthy naturally by offering their Colloidal Silver Natural Handwash Kit.
To Your Health,
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.
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* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Individual results may vary.